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Astro Gold MacOS 6 User Guide

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Allows selection of zodiac type, house system and various other items related to chart calculation.

Preferences - Calcs

Preferences - Calcs


NOTE:  Initial settings are to use the True Lunar Node and True Black Moon (as opposed to using Mean positions for both of them), and the Standard system for Firdaria calculations.


The zodiac type, house system, lunar node type, and various other items related to chart calculation are all shipped with default values that are commonly used to get good astrological results, and unless you have a preference for a setting to be a particular value there is no need to change these. However Astro Gold is very flexible and if you wish you can change a great many of the variables involved in calculating charts.


>> To change from the tropical zodiac to one of the many sidereal zodiacs (or vice versa)...

1.Click in the Preferences icon in the Toolbar to display the "Preferences" dialog box.

2.Click on Calcs - this will display the "Chart Calculations" tab, where the current zodiac setting will be displayed e.g. "Tropical".

3.Click in the dropdown textbox labeled Zodiac - this will list the Zodiacs.

4.Click on the Zodiac in the list you want - this will select that zodiac.

Zodiacs available


Fagan Allen






Djwhal Khul


SVP 0°00'


NOTE:  When you change and then apply a new default zodiac type (as above) and return or dynamic subsidiary charts (transits, progressions or directions) are already open which would need to have a recalculated time for the newly selected zodiac type, you are prompted with a message indicating that the relevant chart(s) will not have their zodiac type changed. It is then up to you to decide whether you wish to calculate a new subsidiary chart for the new default zodiac type.


>> To change the house system used in charts

1.Click in the Preferences icon in the Toolbar to display the "Preferences" dialog box.

2.Click on Calcs - this will display the "Chart Calculations" tab, where the current huuse setting will be displayed e.g. "Placidus".

3.Click in the dropdown textbox labeled House System - this will list the House systems.

4.Click on the House System in the list you want - this will select that house system.

House Systems available










Zero Aries

Solar Sign

Sun on 1st

Moon on 1st

Mercury on 1st

Venus on 1st

Mars on 1st

Jupiter on 1st

Saturn on 1st

Uranus on 1st

Neptune on 1st

Pluto on 1st

Node on 1st

Vertex on 7th

EP on 1st

MC on 10th

Whole Sign



PF on 1st

ASC in 1st


Progression Day Rate

Quotidian is the name used in secondary progressions for the rate of progression of the planets. The most commonly used rate is called Q2 and it is based on the ratio of 1 tropical day for a year (1 : 365.24219879). That is, for each tropical year of real time assign the planets the movement they would have in 1 tropical day during that year.

An alternate rate is called Q1 or Bija correction and is based on the ratio of 1 sidereal day for a year (1 : 366.2563992). So the rate is an alternative that refers to the sidereal year rather than the tropical year.

Since the default rate is Q2 it is not mentioned in the chart label for progressed charts when that is used. However if Q1 is selected as the rate then it is shown in the chart label e.g. Sec.Prog.Q1.


Dignity and Traditional Options

Here you can set the types you want to be the default for Terms, Triplicities, Mutual Receptions and Firdaria in dignity scoring.


Composite Houses

In the calculation of composite midpoint charts normally the house cusps of the chart are simply the midpoints of the same house cusps in the two base charts. Unless the cusps of the base charts are almost opposite each other, then the resulting composite house cusps can sometimes be ordered incorrectly using normal calculation methods (short arcs).

This can be counteracted in one of two ways:

Anchor on the calculated 1st house cusp - and adjust the other composite cusps as necessary to be in the correct order to that

Anchor on the calculated 10th house cusp - and adjust the other composite cusps as necessary to be in the correct order to that

Auto Anchor - compare the calculated composite 1st and 10th house cusps to see which is which is the most "correct", and use that, adjusting the other composite cusps as necessary to be in the correct order to that.


Ephemeris Range

There are several ephemeris range options which can be selected, all involving a certain amount of disk space, listed below:

Standard - 1200 BCE to 3000 CE (the DEFAULT) - all planets and fixed stars, plus asteroids.

Extended - 5400 BCE - 5400 CE (21 MB to download) - all planets and fixed stars, plus asteroids.

Maximum - 10,000 BCE - 10,000 CE (50 MB to download) - all planets and fixed stars.

If you reduce the range, ephemeris files previously downloaded for the pre-existing range are deleted to free up disk space. If for any reason when downloading additional ephemeris files (which occurs when increasing the size of the range used) the download is interrupted, just re-choose the range option in Astro Gold and the download will start again from scratch.

NOTE: When Astro Gold is first installed the ephemeris range setting is Standard.

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