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Astro Gold MacOS 6 User Guide

Chart Files

A computer chart file is like a document.

Documents consist of one or more pagesImage; document just like a MS Word document holds a collection of individual pages.

The pages in a specific document are usually all related in some way, the information on them is all about the same topic e.g travel and camping todo lists; or recipes; or gardening etc.

So we can easily see what type of information is in each of our documents, we give each document a header or title, for example "Travel & Camping", or "Recipes".


Similarly, an astrology chart is like a single page of a document, with each page having the birth details, chart type etc of a single chart written on it.

It is also convenient to store charts (pages) that are all related in some way in the same chart file (document). That's simply because it's handy having charts that are all related being stored in the same place. In this sense a chart file is exactly like a document which contains a collection of pages, except a chart file contains a collection of astrology charts.

And just as we give each document a header or title to describe the information on the pages contained in it, we give the chart file a name - to show how the charts contained in it are all related. What do all these charts have in common?  For example they might be all charts of our family members, and if so we would give that chart file the file name of "Family".

If we did this the final chart file name would be Family.SFcht as every chart file has a .SFcht extension added onto it. This is so we can tell at a glance it's an Astro Gold astrology chart file, and not for example a spreadsheet or word processor file etc.  (The "SF" in the extension refers to it being in the "Solar Fire" chart format, and "cht" refers to "chart". By default AstroGold creates and reads Solar Fire type chart files).


A computer folder is like a manilla folderImage; manilla folder.

A folder is used to store one or more documents in it. And just like the individual pages of a document are usually all about the same topic, and so are related in that way, it is common for the individual documents a folder contains to also all be related by a common theme - for example all the documents might have information on various insurance company policies.

And so that we can easily see at a glance what information is contained in all the documents in a folder, usually we write a name describing that information on the front of the folder, for example "INSURANCE POLICIES".


Similarly a computer folder (like a manilla folder) stores one or more files (like documents) in it.

It is also convenient to store files that are all related in some way in the same computer folder. That's simply because it's handy having files that are all related being stored in the same place. And likewise, to easily see what kind of files are stored in a computer folder, we give the computer folder a name e.g.  "ASTRO GOLD".

The Astro Gold computer folder contains all the user files (including chart files) shipped with the Astro Gold app, and also created by the user.


The "Astro Gold" computer folder contains all the chart files (as well as other kinds of files needed by Astro Gold).

Each chart file contains one or more related charts.

1)When you are saving a chart, you will save the chart to a chart file, and the chart file will be found inside a computer folder (initially the "Astro Gold" folder: see below)

2)When you are opening a chart, you will find the chart in a chart file, and the chart file itself will be found inside a computer folder (initially the "Astro Gold" folder: see below)


Interestingly enough, just like if you really needed to, you could stuff one manilla folder inside another manilla folder, each folder having its own documents ... you can also create a computer folder inside another computer folder, ad infinitum.

Computer folders inside other computer folders are called subfolders.


The Astro Gold computer folder contains all the chart files (at least initially - unless you, the user, create other folders in which to subsequently store chart files).

The "Astro Gold" computer folder itself also contains the following computer subfolders - with each subfolder containing a different kind of astrology based file:

the Interpretations subfolder: contains the interpretation files used by Astro Gold

the Reports subfolder: contains the Professional reports generated by the user

the Wheel Designs subfolder: contains the different wheel designs created by the user

Astro Gold is a world leader in mobile device Astrology software!