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Astro Gold MacOS 6 User Guide

Essential Dignities/Debilities are part of a wider system of measuring the impact (positive or negative) a planet will have in a chart.

Conditions of placement in a chart wherein a planet's influence is strengthened, are termed Dignities; if weakened they are termed Debilities. These are of two varieties: Essential and Accidental. A planet in a Sign in which it is strengthened, is in one of its Essential Dignities; in a House in which it is strengthened, in its Accidental Dignity. This report covers Essential Dignities/Debilities.

The Essential Dignities are:

1.When a planet is in a Sign of which it is the Ruler, when it is said to be in its own Sign, or in its Domal Dignity. If the Sign which a planet rules is on the cusp of the House in which the planet is posited, the planet may be described as the Lord of the House: but the strength as such depends upon its Essential Dignity by virtue of its Sign placement. Some authorities deem that placement in any other Sign of the same element as that of which it is the Ruler confers a degree of Dignity.

2.When it is posited in the Sign in which it is said to be Exalted, wherein its strength is augmented and its virtues magnified. A planet in its Exaltation is only slightly less favorably placed than when it is in its own Sign.

3.By ancient precepts, the placement of a planet in the same Triplicity as that of which it is the Ruler, in the same Term, or in the same Face, were deemed to be Essential Dignities of varying degree.

A score for a planet is computed by points as follows:

In the sign of Rulership = 5

In the sign of Exaltation = 4

In the Triplicity - of the sign of the sect ruler (Sun or Moon) = 3

In one of its Terms = 2

In one of its Faces (Decans) = 1

In Mutual Reception by Sign = 5

In Mutual Reception by Exaltation = 4

In Mutual Reception by Triplicity = 3

In Mutual Reception by Term = 2

In Mutual Reception by Face = 1


The above values apply in all cases regardless of whether the "MR Ignored" option is selected or not. When it is selected mutual receptions (MRs) are ignored for the matter of peregrine status only, and not for dignity scoring, for which MRs are always included.

Essential Debilities

In the opposite Sign to that which it rules, a planet is said to be in its Detriment; which is to say, in opposition to its most congenial environment, hence materially weakened. In the opposite Sign to that in which it would be in its Exaltation, it is said to be in its Fall.

The scale of Essential Debilities is:

Detriment = - 5

Fall = - 4

A planet in its Debility is generally to be interpreted as an indication of weakness in that it increases the bad effects of a "malefic", and lessens the possibilities for good of a "benefic".


A planet is Peregrine when it lacks any essential dignity - that is if it does NOT occur in:

a)the sign it rules

b)the sign it is exalted in

c)one of its Faces (also known as decanates or decans, which is a division of the signs into 10° sections, each of which is governed by one of the planets).

d)a sign of its rulership Triplicity (fire, earth, air or water)

e)one of its Terms (specific degrees within the signs the planet rules)

NOTE: However whatever debilities a planet does or does not have is not relevant when assessing if it is peregrine or not.

Such a planet scores:

Peregrine = - 5

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