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Astro Gold MacOS 6 User Guide

Navigation: Charts > Finding Charts

Finding Charts - by only searching for a Name

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You can search for charts across all chart files.


>> To find a chart based on its Name only

To find a chart you need to open the "Chart Search" dialog, which can be done in two ways ...

        Click on the Chart Search icon Icon; Chart Search in the Toolbar. This will open the "Chart Search" dialog box.

Dialog; Chart Search


1.Click on the Select button for any chart in the "Selected Charts" pane and a menu will drop down displaying the options for that particular chart (Chart 1, 2, 3 or 4).

2.Click on Open Chart to open the "Saved Charts" dialog box.

Pane; Selected charts, 1 chart, sample,Select button options, labelled v6

3.In the "Saved Charts" dialog (shown below) click on the Search button. The "Chart Search" dialog box will then open.

Dialog; Open Chart


>> Using the Chart Search dialog

1.Click on the Chart Details button at the top of the dialog.

2.Click on the Name button.

3.In the "Contains" text box type a whole or partial chart name, then press the Enter key which will set up the search for any chart having, whatever it was you typed, anywhere in the chart name.

For example, in the graphic below, the user has typed "jim" in the textbox, and after pressing the "Enter" key a search criterion has been created called FIND (Name contains 'jim'), which is brightly highlighted. The search has been set-up and is now ready to go.

4.To activate the search click on the Search button in the bottom right of the "Chart Search" dialog.

Dialog; Open chart, Search result for 'jim' (outlined)


NOTE:  to specify which chart files to search in before activating the search, see Finding Charts - specifying chart files to search in for info on how to do that.

See Found Charts - saving, opening for info on what you can do with the Chart Search results after the search has completed.

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