If you have Astro Gold on a Mac computer, and want to transfer your app to another (second) Mac -say you purchased a new Mac- you will want all of your personal settings and charts transferred over too.
Mac makes this easy to transfer everything (apps, their data, and their settings) with something Apple calls "Migration Assistant". If you follow Apple’s instructions (which you can find on their website here Move your content to a new Mac - Apple Support) you will find that Astro Gold on the second Mac has everything just the way you want it.
But supposing that you installed Astro Gold on the second Mac manually, and didn’t use "Migration Assistant". You will discover that none of your settings are on the second computer. In addition, if you saved your charts on the first Mac on the Mac itself, instead of on the iCloud Drive, none of the charts will be on the second Mac either.
The good news is that there is a way for you to copy most (not all) of your settings, and all of your chart files, manually.
>> How to transfer your settings to another Mac
Most of Astro Gold’s settings are found in this folder: ~/Library/Application Support/com.ajnaware.Astro-Gold
1.Copy this folder on the old computer onto a USB drive
2.Copy the contents of that folder on the USB drive into the same folder on the second Mac => you will then have most of your settings transferred.
3.However there will still be a few settings that you will have to set manually:
➢ via Preferences in the Astro Gold menu or on the Toolbar
a)such as your home location in "Home"
a)default wheel styles in "Wheels", and
a)calculations options in "Calcs"
>> How to transfer your charts to another Mac
Unless you have been saving your charts on your first computer to some other folder than the default, you will find them in this folder: ~/Documents/Astro Gold
1.Copy this folder on the first computer onto a USB drive
2.Copy the contents of that folder on the USB drive into the same folder on the second Mac => you will now have all of your charts on the second Mac.