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Astro Gold MacOS 6 User Guide

Navigation: Wheel Editor

Opening a Wheel Design

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>> Opening a Wheel Design to edit or copy it

1.Once the Wheel Editor is opened the first thing to do is to specify what kind of wheel design you want to open. To do this dropdown the Type menu, which is at the top left of the Editor, and select the number of charts (from 1 to 4) the wheel design is capable of displaying by choosing from one of the following options in the menu: uni=1, bi=2, tri=3, quadri=4 charts.

Menu; Wheel Editor; Type; dropdown

You can edit an existing wheel design, and save the changes you make ... or optionally save these changes as a new wheel design. Either way, the first step is to open an existing wheel file which will load the wheel design it contains into the Wheel Editor.

2.Click on Actions, and a menu will drop down.

a)Select Open and a list of all existing chart wheels will be displayed (of the type selected in step 1).

Menu; Wheel Editor; Actions; Open

b)Select a chart wheel file, which will open that wheel design and display it in the Wheel Editor (as shown below)


Window; Wheel Editor; astrogold.wh1

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