In order to display what you want to see on a map you need to configure the "Line Options" to match your needs.
>> To open the Line Options
•Tap on the Gear icon . This will display the following options:
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General Use
•To switch an option on, slide the round toggle button left for off or right for on
•To close the "Line Options" screen place your finger on the screen title Line Options in the Toolbar, and as you hold it firmly down, drag the screen downwards two or three inches, then release your finger.
Line Options fall into 4 main categories:
•Chart Points
Two different sets of lines show what chart planets or points are conjunct to either the celestial environment (Zodiac) angles, or to the mundane local space (Horizon) angles. When a chart point is close to the Ecliptic then the two different lines for this point are very close together, otherwise they are more apart on the map.
a)Zodiacal lines (listed in the first column): show where on Earth individual chart points will conjunct the MC or IC (via lines of longitude running vertically N-S on the map) and the ASC or DESC (based on the local horizon these are lines which circle the globe, thus appearing as curving waves on the map).
b)Mundane lines (listed in the second column): show where on Earth individual chart points will be Culminating (i.e. being directly overhead) and Anticulminating under the feet (via lines of longitude running vertically on the map - the culminating or anti culminating will be occurring at some point on the line), and Rising in the eastern area of the sky - rising up over the horizon, or Setting in the western area of the sky - sinking below the horizon. Being based on the local horizon these are lines which circle the globe, thus appearing as curving waves on the map.
c)You can only display either the Zodiacal lines or the mundane Horizon-based lines at any one time.
To switch between them go to the "Angles Type" section further down in this screen, and tap on the > icon at the right.
There you will be able to tap on either In Mundo (for the mundane horizon angles) or Zodiacal for the zodiac angles.
To return back to this screen, tap on the < Line Options button at the top left of the screen.
•Local Space
Shows the Planetary Directions for the location.
Imagine being somewhere on Earth (your birth place for example) and looking around the horizon of that place. If it was at night you may be able to see some or many planets in the sky (especially if you had a telescope). Whatever planets you could see at that time - imagine a line going from each planet directly down to the horizon, then the line continuing from that azimuth (the point on the horizon) straight across the ground directly to you. Conceptually a single straight line. These lines are the "directions" of each planet extending straight out from you to each planet in the sky. That is what planetary directions are - they totally represent how things look actually on the ground, in your "local space".
a)The Ecliptic line projected onto the surface of Earth, which is handy to see. Since this line is the center of the Zodiac Band, most chart points will be close to this line, with the Sun always exactly on it.
b)Signs Culminating shows the zodiac sign positions of the Ecliptic - these are always straight lines on the map like lines of longitude are. These can be displayed in one of two ways:
i.If in the "Zodiacal Offset" section (last option on the screen) the Geodetic (Mundane) option is switched off, then the signs as they are exist normally in the zodiac are projected directly onto Earth matching how they would actually appear on Earth. Thus these lines will match those of the chart's location i.e. if the chart has Aquarius on the MC then you will see the Aquarius line running down through the chart's location on Earth.
ii.If in the "Zodiacal Offset" section (last option on the screen) the Geodetic (Mundane) option is switched on, then the signs are projected from their normal position in the Ecliptic onto the Equator instead, so the twelve 30° signs span the full length of the Equator. 0° Aries starts exactly at Greenwich, London (where 0° of longitude also starts) unfolding in an easterly direction around the Equator.
c)Signs Rising lines display all the locations on Earth where 0° of each sign would be on the Ascendant at the chart time. The Aries and Libra lines will always be running N-S due to the Ecliptic and Equator planes being the same at exactly 0° of these signs, which occurs at the two equinoxes which occur in March and September. However because the rest of the year the Ecliptic and Equator planes diverge from each other the remaining lines are curving waves around the map.
a)The Equator line on Earth is displayed. It is a straight line running horizontally through the middle of World Maps.
b)The Tropical lines are the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn lines, lying respectively 23.5° latitude north and south of the Equator. Therefore these lines run parallel to the Equator on the map, and show the maximum extremes on Earth where the Sun passes overhead at the height of summer in each respective hemisphere.
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