Professionally written and beautifully illustrated astrology reports.
Pro Reports for Astro Gold macOS are professional report writer add-on programs which can be used to print and email detailed interpretations. Astro Gold Pro Reports allow you to produce as many reports from as many charts as you like on each topic purchased.
Pro Reports or Astro Gold iOS provide individual reports available as in-app purchases for a small fee.
These Astro Gold Pro reports include:
Professional Birth Chart Report
This is an all-purpose interpretations birth chart report that includes:
- A brief introduction to the concepts of astrology.
- Life goals—the Sun and Jupiter in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, with easy-to-read introductions.
- Home—the Moon in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, with easy-to-read introduction.
- Education and communication—Mercury in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
- Relationships—Venus in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
- Motivation—Mars in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
- Career—Saturn in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, and the Midheaven with introduction.
- Creativity and originality—Uranus and Neptune in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects with introduction.
- Challenges in life—Pluto in the signs, uses with introduction.
- Purpose and joy—The Ascendant in the signs and houses with introduction.
- Conclusion—This report has been written so that it can be easily understood by astrologers and the general public.
- The astrological section headers can be switched on and off for easy reading. And if you have your own preferences then you can edit the text yourself.
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Jenny K Barnes
Pages: approximately 29 pages
The Big Three Report – Now with the Sun’s Decans
The Big Three (Sun. Moon and Ascendant) is designed to provide a short introduction to the Sun, Moon and Ascendant – three key personal points in the overall horoscope. You may already be aware of the traits of your Sun Sign, but what do your Moon and Ascendant signs add to the story?
Features include:
- An introduction to the Sun Sign
- Interpretations of the Sun in the Signs and Houses
- Individual talents according to the Sun Sign
- Relationships – how the Sun Sign expresses themselves in relationships
- Sun Sign Element
- Self-Care Tips – types of self-care that revive and support the personality according to the Sun Sign.
- Mindfulness – Strengths & Weaknesses according to the Sun Sign
- An introduction to the Moon Sign
- Interpretation of the Moon in the Signs & Houses
- Money Matters – how the Moon Sign influences the native’s journey and experience with money.
- Self-Care – nurturing the Moon Sign using aromatherapy.
- An introduction to the Ascendant Sign
- Interpretation of the Ascendant Sign & Element
- Purpose & Joy – achieving a sense of purpose and joy according to the Ascendant Sign
- Decan interpretation of the Ascendant
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Pages: approximately 15 pages
Predictive Report
As we all know the wisdom of hindsight is a great thing but can we choose how we respond to the events in our lives with the wisdom of foresight? Anyone who has visited an astrologer or printed an astrology report is probably attempting to do just this, gain the wisdom of foresight to aid making future decisions.
Our Predictive Astro Gold Pro Report aims to help in this process. This report writer outlines the major transits occurring in a person’s life. Suitable as a monthly or yearly planner, you can use this report to study the transits and produce customised reports for clients, family and friends.
Features include:
- A simple and attractive layout of individual transits.
- Time period: The software is set as a yearly transit planner but you can choose your own time period in months or years. You can also choose your own time zone.
- Interpretations have been written to cover the all-important outer planetary transits and major aspects. Interpretations are included for transiting Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron to the Ascendant, Midheaven, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron and Nodes.
- Selectable aspects: A set of aspects has been selected to automatically apply. These include conjunctions, oppositions, squares and trines. You can also choose to add semi-square, sextiles, sesqui-squares and quincunxes.
- Graphic Timeline: Now you can see when transits exactly enter and leave at a glance!
The report lists delineations of transit aspects from the transiting planets to the natal planets showing the exact dates and the period from entering to leaving orb. Any events that are not exact within the report period, but whose orb overlaps with the report period, are included. And you can choose your entering and leaving orb.
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 23 pages
Birthday Report
This Birthday Astro Gold Pro Report evaluates and interprets the major themes for the forthcoming birthday year.
This annual forecast report includes:
- An Introduction to Solar Returns explaining the concept of an annual forecast birthday chart.
- This Year’s Major Theme (The Ascendant, Sun in House, Sun Ruling House, Aspects to Sun).
- This Year’s Personal Matters (Moon in House, Moon in Sign, Aspects to Moon, Venus in House, Venus in Sign, Aspects to Venue).
- This Year’s Challenges (Mars in House, Aspects to Mars, Uranus in House, Pluto in House).
- This Year’s Lessons (Mercury in House, Mercury in Sign, Aspects to Mercury, Jupiter in House, Aspects to Jupiter, Saturn in House, Aspects to Saturn).
- This Year’s Journey (Neptune in House, Aspects to North Node).
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 21 pages
Child Report
This Astro Gold Pro Report has been written to act as a guide for parents and mentors of children. All parents want the best for their children. We want our children to live happy and fulfilled lives. This can be achieved by recognising and accepting each child’s individual gifts and weaknesses. In accepting these traits, we can help our children overcome obstacles and provide them with as many opportunities as possible to develop their full potential.
The journey from babyhood to adulthood is full of joys and challenges. This report is intended to help parents and mentors to support and encourage their children through the difficult times and to provide them with as much love and joy as possible.
The report includes:
- Family and Friends: interpretations for the Moon and Venus in the signs and houses.
- Talents and Schooling: interpretations for the Sun and Mercury in the signs and houses.
- Goals: interpretations for the Ascendant and Mars in the sign and houses.
- Childhood Journey: interpretations of hard and soft aspects from Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Children’s book artist Jenny Barnes
Pages: approximately 20 pages
Adolescent Report
This Adolescent report is written by Alex Trenoweth, a highly qualified astrologer and teacher specialising in childhood development. It is designed for parents, teachers and adolescents. An Introduction to Adolescence.
The report includes:
- Childhood – The Moon in the Signs, Aspects to the Moon.
- Adolescence: The Sun in the Signs, Aspects to the Sun.
- Relating to Others: The Ascendant, Mercury, Venus, Aspects to Venus, Mars, Aspects to Mars.
- Growth: Jupiter in the Signs, Aspects to Jupiter, General Transits of Jupiter to age 24.
- Understanding: Saturn in the Signs, Aspects to Saturn, General Transits of Saturn to age 29, Uranus in the Signs, Neptune in the Signs, Pluto in the Signs, Chiron in the Signs.
- Conclusion.
Author: Alex Trenoweth
Illustrator: Jenny K Barnes
Pages: approximately 21 pages
Family Report
The Family Report is written by a professional astrologer and is meant as an introduction to the concepts of astrology and how it affects you in the areas of home and family. It provides insights into the experiences that shape you as a person, and how you operate in your family.
The report includes:
- Introduction
- Home and Family: The Moon and Aspects to the Moon
- Your Family Environment: Ruler of the 4th House and Aspects to the Ruler
- Your Family’s Nature: Planets in the 4th House and Aspects to the Planets in the 4th
- Conclusion
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Jenny K Barnes
Pages: approximately 16 pages
Relationship Report
This Astro Gold Pro Report is designed to delve into relationship astrology. It describes the unique links that exist between two people, both the strengths and weaknesses of those interactive links.
Features includes:
- A brief introduction to the concepts of synastry astrology.
- Individual Relating Traits—Venus in the signs, houses and soft and hard aspects, with easy-to-read introductions.
- Three sections of synastry between two people’s charts including Personal Issues, Primary Forces and Generational Values.
- Synastry interpretations include soft and hard aspects between the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and the North Node.
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 24 pages
Vocation Report
This psychological report provides an in-depth insight into the soul’s expression through career. It provides an astrological consideration of your vocational potentialities and to help you, and anyone who reads this report, to reflect on a fulfilling career path.
Features includes:
- An Introduction to Vocation.
- Vocation and Destiny: The Lunar Nodes.
- Vocation and Direction: The Ascendant and Angular Planets.
- Vocation and Character: The Sun and Moon.
- Income: The 2nd House Cusp and Planets in the 2nd House.
- Work: The 6th House Cusp and Planets in the 6th House.
- Profession: The Midheaven and Planets in the 10th House, Planets conjunct and opposite the Midheaven.
Author: Brian Clark
Pages: approximately 24 pages
Lunar Return Report
This Lunar Return Astro Gold Pro Report evaluates and interprets the major themes for the upcoming or chosen Lunar Cycle.
This monthly forecast report includes:
- An Introduction to Lunar Returns explaining the concept of a monthly forecast according to the Moon’s cycles.
- Your Temperament (Moon in Sign, Moon in House, Aspects to Moon).
- Your Emotional Satisfaction (The Ascendant).
- Your Turning Point (Angular Planets, Aspects to Angles).
- Your Vitality (Sun in House, Sun in Sign, Aspects to Sun).
- Communicating Your Needs (Mercury in House).
- Your Drive and Determination (Mars in House, Saturn in House).
- Your Social Needs (Venus in house, Jupiter in House).
- Conclusion
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Janet Bridgland
Pages: approximately 17 pages
My Pets Report
This quirky and insightful report provides a brief interpretation report for your pet and is surprisingly accurate.
This short and beautifully illustrated Astro Gold report outlines your pet’s personality, health and lifestyle needs and suitable owners including interpretations of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Sign. You do not need to know the exact time of birth for your beloved pet.
Author: Stephanie Johnson
Illustrator: Jenny K Barnes
Pages: approximately 12 pages