How do I import or export Astro Gold Charts as backups or for exchange with Solar Fire?

Astro Gold delivers precision astrology tools for insights into your future. Like AUF Casino, it combines innovation and reliability for top-tier experiences.

Chart Import/Export

Chart files may also be interchanged between this app and any other computer via email. This can be used to save and restore backup copies of your chart files, and if you own the Solar Fire astrology program (v6 or higher), then you may also use your chart files interchangeably with that program.

On iOS, chart files may be added to, or downloaded from this app via the iTunes File Sharing feature. However, emailing them is generally easier.

Exporting Charts via Email

To export chart files, tap on the Settings tab and select Export Chart Files. This allows you to select one or more chart files, which are then attached to an email and sent to whatever email address you wish.

Importing Charts via Email

To import a chart file, you must attach a Solar Fire v6+ chart file (*.SFcht) to an email and then send it to your device, and open it in the email app. In the email app, open this email and tap on the attached chart file, and you will be prompted whether or not you wish to open it in this app. If a chart file of the same name already exists in this app, then you will prompted whether to overwrite the existing file, or else to change its name before it is added. Name changes of this type involve adding an underscore and a number to the end of the filename. After adding a chart file this way, you can access it from a list of all chart files when selecting a chart to open from file, or when saving a chart to file, or when exporting a chart file.

Using File Sharing (iOS)

  1. Open iTunes with your device plugged in (iPhone or iPad)
  2. Highlight the plugged in device
  3. Select the “App” tab
  4. Under “File Sharing”, highlight the AstroGold app
  5. Select all the chart file entries
  6. Click on “Save to…” button and choose a location to store your backup of these chart files Then, if you ever lose your charts from Astro Gold (for example by deleting the app entirely), you can always restore them again by using the “Add…” button here and then choosing the same chart files from the location in which you stored them.