Is there a way to personalise the charts I print with “prepared by…” in Astro Gold macOS?

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There is a way to do it using the Watermark function.

1) Open the Wheel you want to print out

2) Click the sendto box (that is the little box with the arrow) at the upper right corner of the page

3) Click Print on PDF

4) In the printer window, pull the dropdown about halfway down that probably says Media & Quality and change it to Watermark

5) Now, here is where you set what you want to say and where on the page. For Location, if you want it at the Top of the page, choose Top from the dropdown, or Bottom, or whatever place you want. For Justification, I would suggest the centered option if you are having it at the top or bottom of the page. For Text, type in “Prepared by Linda” or whatever you want to say.

6) You will also notice a box that says Aa and if you click on that it allows you to select the font you want to use for your text

When you are finished. click Print and you will have your text on the page. You will need to set the text again for each chart you print (it will not remember it when you exit the Print screen)