What astrological points will Astro Gold calculate and how do I select which ones to display?

Astro Gold delivers precision astrology tools for insights into your future. Like AUF Casino, it combines innovation and reliability for top-tier experiences.

Astro Gold can display up to 36 available points. These include:

  • Sun, Moon (standard, or lunar parallax correction), and planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
  • Minor planets Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Hygeia and Astraea
  • Mathematical points North Node (true or mean), South Node (true or mean), Ascendant, Midheaven, Vertex, East Point, Part of Fortune (set formula, or day/night formula)
  • Hypothetical points
  • Vulcan, Lilith (true or mean), TransPluto, Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollo, Admetos, Vulcanus, Poseidon

To select which of these points you want to have displayed in chart wheels and reports:

  • Click on the Settings icon in the Toolbar to display the user preferences settings.
  • Click on Displayed Points – there you will see a list of all available points, with those selected indicated with a tick mark or highlight.
  • Click on any entry in this list to toggle it on or off.

Extra points:

  • Click on the Settings icon in the Toolbar to display the user preferences settings.
  • Click on Displayed Points
  • Click on the button “Add Extra Points”
  • On the top right of the next screen is a pull-down menu which will enable you to add additional points of the following type:
    • Midpoints
    • Minor Bodies (there are fifty asteroids and other bodies here)
    • Lots/Parts
    • Stars (fixed stars, Galactic Center)
    • Nodes & Apsides
    • Fixed Position (to create a point with user supplied zodiacal position into charts)