When I do a progressed chart in Astro Gold, why does it give me an Ascendant a few degrees different than the one calculated by some other software?

Astro Gold delivers precision astrology tools for insights into your future. Like AUF Casino, it combines innovation and reliability for top-tier experiences.

While most astrologers use the identical, on day equals one year, method for calculating the planets in a secondary progressed chart, there is less agreement over the method of calculating the house cusps.

For this reason, Astro Gold gives you a choice of five different methods to calculate the house cusps: Solar Arc in Longitude, Solar Arc in R.A., Naibod in Longitude, Naibod in R.A., and Mean Quotidian. You can choose your method by tapping Settings, then Chart Calculations, then scrolling down and choosing from the dropdown menu under Progressions.

According to AstroDienst, they have chosen the method that is most commonly used by astrologers in Continental Europe, and that is using the Naibod in R.A. method. So, if you select that method in the Astro Gold settings, your progressed house cusps should match those calculated by AstroDienst.

Which method gives the most accurate predictive results? That is up to you, the astrologer, to decide by experimenting. The two most widely used methods are the Naibod method (mentioned above), and Solar Arc in R.A. Noted astrologer Steve Forrest tells us that the “Solar Arc and Naibod produce very nearly identical results.”