Why doesn’t the Astro Gold macOS desktop app also have the ability to zoom into street level, like the iOS version?

Astro Gold delivers precision astrology tools for insights into your future. Like AUF Casino, it combines innovation and reliability for top-tier experiences.

Google provides a way for iOS apps to display detailed maps in an unlimited way, and even provide an API (application programming interface) for this specific purpose. However, the same is not true of macOS. For macOS, they not only charge substantial ongoing license fees for use of maps by the app’s users (and hence unsustainable to provide in an app that is not charging an ongoing subscription), but they also do not provide any equivalent API, thus making it technically much more difficult to implement in an app, and likely with less functionality than they provide for iOS.

That said we agree that it would be a nice feature to have and continue to monitor any new developments which might make it feasible.