Astro Gold is supplied with 13 different groupings of aspects, which are called "Aspect Sets". Each different groupings of aspects, i.e. each "Aspect Set", can be comprised of a different collection of aspects to that of any other "Aspect Set".
However all the aspects of an "Aspect Set" must comprise aspects of only a certain aspect "Type". The aspect "Type" determines how the orbs of the aspects (and sometimes the aspect itself) are applied. So as well as the different aspects contained in an "Aspect Set", the particular "Type" that the aspects of the Set all are also contributes to distinguishing an "Aspect Set" from others at a fundamental level.
There are 7 different aspect "Types":
• "Standard Aspect Orbs" - orbs are determined on a per aspect basis
• "Standard + By Sign" - as above but any aspect which is not in aspect "by sign" is excluded.
• "Orb Ratios (Huber)" - orbs are determined according to the Huber method on both a per aspect basis, as well as on a per-planet basis.
The planetary orb ratios are set as follows: Moon/Sun = 1, Mercury/Venus/Jupiter = 7/9, Mars, Saturn = 6/9, Uranus/Neptune/Pluto = 5/9, All Others = 1/2.
• "Orb Ratios + By Sign" - as above but any aspect which is not in aspect "by sign" is excluded.
• "Moieties (Al Biruni)" - orbs are determined according to Al Biruni on both a per aspect basis, as well as on a per-planet basis.
The planetary orb ratios are set as follows: Sun = 1, Moon = 6/8.5, Mercury/Venus/Mars = 3.5/8.5, Jupiter/Saturn = 4.5/8.5, Uranus/Neptune/Pluto = 5/8.5, Nodes = 1/8.5, Others = 3/8.5.
• "Moieties + By Sign" - as above but any aspect which is not in aspect "by sign" is excluded.
• "By Sign Only" - any aspect which is not in aspect "by sign" is excluded. Any aspect which is in aspect by sign is included, regardless of orb.
Each aspect within any "Aspect Set" can have fine-grained orb settings just for that particular aspect in that "Aspect Set". So all in all, you can configure the different "Aspect Sets" for a great variety of different purposes. You can also create your own customized "Aspect Sets" (see below).
See here for more info on the "Aspect Sets" that ship with Astro Gold.
>> To select an Aspect Set to use
![]() Preferences - Aspects |
1.Click in the Selected Aspect Set list (see above), which will drop the list down to display all the "Aspect Sets" available (see below). Click on an "Aspect Set" and it will become the active Set used from that point on in Astro Gold for all charts and data.
![]() |
>> To edit the Aspect Set Name and Type, and add/remove Minor aspects
1.Continuously clicking on the Edit button toggles the ability to do this on or off.
2.When editing mode is on, you can edit the "Aspect Set" description in the textbox below "Selected Aspect Set".
3.To select the aspect "Type" for the "Aspect Set", click in the Type list and the list will drop down (see below), and you can select the aspect Type you want from the list.
4.To add or remove Minor aspects to the aspects list click on the Minors button, and a list of minor aspects will drop down, from which you can add or remove any of them.
These are the minor aspects with their degrees, and their letter glyphs when displayed in Astro Gold.
Minor Aspect |
Degrees |
Glyph |
Quindecile |
165 |
q |
GoldenRatio |
137.50 |
G |
Squine |
105 |
I |
Squile |
75 |
L |
Semioctile |
22.5 |
O |
Seminovile |
20 |
n |
Vigintile |
18 |
V |
Semiduodecile |
15 |
d |
>> To save a copy of the Aspect Set
1.Click on the Save As button.
2.Enter a new file name and click on the Save button. At any point you can further edit the aspects and type of this "Aspect Set".
>> To delete the Aspect Set
1.Click on the Delete button. This will delete the currently displayed "Aspect Set".
>> Editing the Orbs of an Aspect Set, and also turning an aspect On or Off
•Each aspect's orbs can be edited in place at any time.
•Each aspect has its own individual orb. But if required it can have two orbs - one each for either of the two major kinds of aspected point - Luminary or Other
("luminary" is the Sun or Moon, "other" is all the rest - Mercury, Venus, Mars etc.)
Which (if required) can lead to these two different orbs for a Luminary or an Other aspected point ... being further divided again into different orbs for when the aspect is applying and for when it is separating.
So for any single aspect it is possible to vary its orbs to accommodate four possible situations in which it may occur:
Applying OR Separating: to a "Luminary" aspected point (2 different orbs)
Applying OR Separating: to an "Other" aspected point (2 different orbs)
•Additionally for each "Aspect Set" each individual aspect within the Set can be manually switched on or off, by repeatedly clicking in the On column, without losing it's orb settings.