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Astro Gold MacOS 6 User Guide

Navigation: Charts > Event Search

Event Search - Simple

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You can search for a variety of astrological events involving both a static and/or the current transiting (mundane) chart.

Once the time of the event has been found a new "dynamic" chart for that time will be cast. This feature is an on-the-spot electional search (using transiting points) for a specific astrological event, combined with the ability to step through previous or next occurrences of that event.

It can be a search for a transiting event involving a static (e.g. natal or event) chart, or simply be for a transiting (mundane) event.


>> To Open the Simple Event Search

You access the simple "Event Search" via the magnifying glass Magnifying Glass to the right of the time step interval in the Display Controls (see Screen Areas).

Event Search dialog box

Event Search dialog box


Charts Types

In the Event Search there are two kinds of charts:

Static charts (e.g. natal, fixed harmonic etc) - often called the radix or base chart

Dynamic charts (transits, progressions, directions, age harmonic)


Event Types

The events types that can be searched for are either:

Dynamic events (transits) to a Static chart (natal etc)

e.g. Transits to a natal chart, natal chart Lunar Return

Dynamic to Dynamic chart (transits to transits etc)

e.g. transiting Sun conjunct transiting Jupiter


Base Reference Point

Searches which are to a radix point require a base point in a radix chart to be identified. These searches are Aspect (transiting point to radix point) or House (transiting point to radix cusp) or Return (transiting point to radix point). All other searches are transiting events and only reference a radix chart to identify the start date of the search.


Charts Layout

Viewing all static charts: if you are viewing static charts in all four chart rings then there is no ring spare in which to cast a new dynamic chart for the event date. In this situation Astro Gold will ask if you want to replace the outer chart (in ring four) with a Transits chart.


Normal Use: generally searches tend to be for an event involving a static chart (natal etc) - for example some kind of transit to that natal chart. In these searches place the static chart in the innermost Ring (one).


>> Setting up the Search Criteria

[A] Across the top of the dialog box are the main search elements:


search for when transiting planets and lunar nodes come into a certain aspect to a static (or other transiting) planet or point.


search for when the motion of transiting planets or lunar nodes turns retrograde or direct


search for when a planet or lunar node ingresses into a specific sign, or  into any sign


search for when a planet or lunar node conjuncts a specific point on the zodiac


search for when a transiting planet or lunar node conjuncts a specific (or any) transiting or radix house cusp.

Planet or Node Return

search for when a transiting planet or node returns to its position in the base chart


search for a new or full moon, or any kind of eclipse


[B] Selecting the search items

This is basically self-explanatory.

1)For the chosen element: select the transiting item, and if required, the base item.

2)With an Aspect search, you can search for:

transiting points to radix points (e.g. transits to a natal chart)

transiting points to other transiting points (i.e. you can search for when mundane transiting aspects occur)

3)With a lng search, you can search for:

transiting points to zodiac signs - either to an individual sign cusp, or all of them sequentially by choosing "0° Any Sign"

4)With a House search, you can search for:

transiting points to radix house cusps - either to an individual cusp, or all of them sequentially by choosing "Any Hs Cusp"

transiting points to transiting house cusps (i.e. search for mundane transits to mundane house cusps) - either to an individual cusp, or all of them sequentially by choosing "Any Hs Cusp"


NOTE: With searches for a house or sign ingress, or a point's stationing - the event time is calculated for one second later in time than the actual event, to ensure that any house/sign ingress or point station has in fact already occurred for the radix chart.

[C] Optionally -first manually set the base "Search From" time using the Calendar icon Icon; Calendar, which is next to the "Now" button.

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