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Astro Gold MacOS 6 User Guide

Navigation: Charts

Event Search

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There are two types of Event Search - Simple and Extended:

a)The "Simple Search" only operates "in place" on a currently displayed chart (for transiting to radix events), or searches for mundane events initially just uses the date of a currently displayed transits chart as the start date for the search (unless you specify it). Location is always taken from the relevant displayed charts.

Search options are for transits to or involving mundane or radix aspects/stations/ingress/point position/house cusp/point return date.

Once the search result date is found the relevant displayed chart is always recalculated to that result date.

b)The "Extended Search" works essentially the same as the "Simple Search", except it is much more flexible plus it operates from a standalone dialog box. It has all the search options of the Simple Search, plus you can specify the start date, location, and which radix displayed chart you want to be searched if the search involves a radix chart.

As with the Simple search the search result date is shown on the Search dialog box. However with the Extended Search none of the currently displayed charts is altered by being recalculated using the result date as happens with the Simple Search. This preserves all the currently displayed charts as they are without updating them in any way according to reflect the search result.

However optionally, if you want to see a chart calculated using the search result date, you can select which chart slot (from 1 to 4) to use to put that freshly calculated chart into. If you do that, and a chart was previously in that slot, it will be replaced.





Astro Gold is a world leader in mobile device Astrology software!