Once one or more charts have been selected (see working with charts for how to do this) they will be displayed in the "Viewing Area". You can control the form in which the charts are displayed by using the "Display Controls".
The main display controls for this are the three buttons at the top of the Viewing Area, which allow you to either display the chart as a (single or multi) Wheel or Dial, or as a Grid.
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When you click the Wheel or Dial button if ..
•only one chart is selected, then a Wheel/Dial will be displayed.
•two charts are selected, then a biWheel/biDial will be displayed.
•three charts are selected, then a triWheel/triDial will be displayed.
•four charts are selected, then a quadriWheel/quadriDial will be displayed.
Below is a Wheel displaying 1 chart.
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Depending on what wheel style is being used there are various option available directly from the Viewing Area. For a standard single wheel...
➢ Right-click (or control+click) anywhere near the center of the wheel(s) and a pop-up menu is displayed.
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➢ Clicking on Displayed Points another menu is displayed from which you can choose the "Point Set" to be displayed. "Follow Default" simply displays the default "Point Set" that is set in Preferences.
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➢ Clicking on Wheel Style displays a list of styles of the appropriate type for the number of charts displayed, so you can select a different Wheel to be used. "Follow Default" simply displays the default "Wheel Style" that is set in Preferences for the number of charts displayed.
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➢ If you click on Aspect Set, a list drops down with the aspect set currently being used ticked. You can then choose a different aspect set to be used by clicking on it. "Follow Default" simply displays the default "Aspect Set" that is set in Preferences.
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NOTE: For some specialized wheel styles different options may be available: For example with the "DecRuler" or "SgnRuler" wheel styles the rulerships used in the chart can be changed:
➢ Right-click (or control+click) anywhere near the center of the wheel(s) and a pop-up menu is displayed.
![]() |
Note: When the DecRuler chart is being used, and Traditional rulerships are selected, the decans are the Chaldean (Ptolemy) rulers.
Below is a Dial using a 45° modulus (you can set the modulus in the Preferences menu/Wheels tab)\
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➢ Right-click (or control+click) anywhere near the center of the dial(s) and a pop-up menu is displayed.
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➢ Clicking on Displayed Points another menu is displayed from which you can choose the "Point Set" to be displayed. "Follow Default" simply displays the default "Point Set" that is set in Preferences.
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➢ Clicking on Dial Style displays a list of styles of the appropriate type for the number of charts displayed, so you can select a different Dial to be used. "Follow Default" simply displays the default "Dial Style" that is set in Preferences for the number of charts displayed.
➢ If you have more than one chart selected clicking on Dial Pointer allows you to specify which chart in the dial the pointer applies to.
➢ Clicking on Dial Settings takes you to the Preferences window, with the Wheels tab selected, where you can set the default Dial Modulus and Max Orb (bottom right of the window).
When you click the Grid button if ..
•only one chart is selected, then a single chart aspect grid will be displayed.
•two or three natal charts are selected, then a synastry aspect grid for the inner and outer ring charts will be displayed.
•two or three charts are selected with the inner ring being a natal chart, and the outer ring a transits (or subsidiary) chart, then a transits or subsidiary chart to natal chart aspect grid will be displayed.
•three charts are selected then the middle ring chart is never displayed.
•four charts are selected then the two middle ring charts are never displayed.
![]() Sample's natal planets across the top and the current transits down the side, using the Tight aspect set (1 degree orbs) |
➢ Right-click (or control+click) anywhere in the grid and a pop-up menu is displayed. If you click on the one option, Aspect Set, a list drops down with the aspect set currently being used ticked. You can then choose a different aspect set to be used by clicking on it. "Follow Default" simply displays the default aspect set that is selected in Preferences.
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Transits Snapshot
As you can see in the grid above, it is easy to get a snapshot of a person's current transits by setting things up as below:
1.In Preferences the Tight "Aspect Set" is selected (because, as shipped from the factory, it only has 1° orbs)
2.For Chart 1 the Natal chart of interest is selected
3.For Chart 2 a Current Transits chart is selected (defaults to the Home Location, but this can be edited and changed for this chart if necessary)
4.In the Display Controls Grid is selected
The result is that we are seeing only the natal person's current transits. It is dead easy with this kind of graphic information to see that currently there's mainly four that stand out as stronger energy and potential stress areas:
•transiting Jupiter semisquaring the natal Moon, opposing natal Mars, and quincunxing both natal Neptune and Pluto
•transiting Uranus squaring the natal Sun
•transiting Neptune trine natal Mars, squaring natal Neptune and quincunxing natal Pluto
•transiting Pluto aspecting the natal nodal axis (trine the North node and sextile the South node)
•transiting Chiron squaring the natal Ascendent
NOTE: Anywhere you can access a pop-up context menu using the mouse by right-clicking or by control+click, you can also use the touchpad. However to use the touchpad you may need to turn the right-click (called secondary click) option on in your Mac's Preferences/Trackpad .
You are not limited to only being able to display a single wheel, grid or dial in the Viewing Area of the Main Screen. You can have as many different wheels, grids or dials simultaneously open as you like. You do this by "pinning" each wheel, dial or grid you want kept open (until you explicitly close it). Once one of these chart views has been pinned it remains permanently displayed in its own individual window that you can resize, move or minimize as you wish.
You can keep track of, and manage, all your pinned charts in the Pinned Astro Sheets Manager.
>> To Pin a Wheel, Grid or Dial
1.While a wheel, grid or dial is displayed in the Viewing Area of the Main Screen, click on the little Pin icon in the top right corner, circled below in orange.
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2.This will create a new window containing what was displayed in the Viewing Area.
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These pinned views (i.e. separate floating windows) can be re-sized, moved, minimized and remembered across Astro Gold sessions, until you choose to close them - which you can do directly by closing the pinned window, or from within the Pinned Astro Sheets Manager.