If you haven't done so already, open Map Tools.
Being able to zoom in and out of the map as you need to is key to getting the optimum sense of how different locations may affect you.
The first two Map Tools menu items involve either zooming into the map (blowing it up bigger) at the selected chart location, or zooming back out to see the whole World map.
a)Zoom in to Natal - tapping on this focuses on the chart's location and blows it up so it is in detail and only it fills the screen.
b)Zoom out to World - tapping on this displays the full World map.
This zooming functionality, is quite simple and limited - either display the chart's location in detail, or display the entire World map. However that is also why it is very handy - you can quickly go from one extreme to the other with a single tap
However if you want to zoom in or out in several steps and have control over how much you zoom in or out there are another two options:
a)Use standard finger gestures - holding fingers, almost pinched together, on the screen - and then spreading them apart or back together.
b)Use the two Zoom icons and
on the Toolbar. The plus icon will zoom in (show more details) of the part of the map at the center of the screen and the minus icon will zoom out (show less details, a wider, more inclusive view) of the part of the map at the center of the screen. These zoom icons may be more convenient than using finger gestures for some people.
Note: When the map is a full World map the minus icon is missing as the map cannot be zoomed out more than it already is.
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