If you haven't done so already, open Map Tools.
Eclipse pathways can be drawn on the map, either on top of any existing lines, or just by themselves.
a)Select Eclipse - tapping on this displays a large list of Eclipses past and future, starting at 1900 and extending to 2099. Tap on an eclipse to select it, then tap on the Plot button in the top right corner. This pops up a small menu:
i.Plot Eclipse Path Only - removes any chart lines currently being displayed, and displays on the map the areas where the path of the eclipse will be visible.
ii.Plot Eclipse Path and Retain Chart - keeps any chart lines currently being displayed, and as well displays on the map the areas where the path of the eclipse will be visible.
b)Remove Eclipse - this removes the eclipse path lines from the screen, and if you hadn't chosen to retain the chart, restores the previously displayed chart lines.
Next Map topic: Relocate Chart