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Astro Gold MacOS 6 User Guide

In recent years humanity’s knowledge of the universe has grown exponentially as we discovered that our Solar System went out much, much further than just the orbits of Neptune and Pluto.  For astrologers, this has meant that a great
number of additional bodies have been added to their toolbox, and arguably the most important of these are those that have joined Pluto in the classification “Dwarf Planets”.  

There are at least seven of these Dwarf Planets that have been named so far, all discovered by Michael Brown, and users of Astro Gold can look at them in charts. Here are the names of these seven and a brief description of each: 

Eris (access in Main Points)

Named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord. She describes issues of quarrels, rivals, revenge, and jealousy; but also, the more positive qualities of energy, resourcefulness, and the desire to work for self-improvement. 

Haumea (access in Main Points)

Hawaiian goddess of fertility & childbirth, mother of fire goddess Pele. Unity of opposites; seeking the larger order in apparent randomness; the drive towards ultimate peace and
harmony; feminine healing and creative energy. 

Ixion (access in Extra Bodies)

Grandfather to most of the Centaurs. The transgressor, rule breaker, going beyond social morality of the moment; rage against God; the refusal to accept limitations on your goals. 

Makemake (access in Extra Bodies)

Creation god from the people of Easter Island. Doing something for one’s ‘tribe’, or because of the connection; narrowness of focus which makes one thorough, but it can be
at the expense of other areas. 

Quaoar (access in Extra Bodies)

Creation god of the Tongva people. The creation of a new system without precedent; being creative in making new rules, building new structures, rather than simply following what already exists. 

Sedna (access in Extra Bodies)

Named after the Inuit goddess of the sea who resides in the Arctic underworld and rules over all marine life. Where you have the potential to feel powerless; and yet, she also shows you where you can overcome these feelings and play your part in taking care of the planet and humanity. 

Varuna (access in Extra Bodies)

Hindu god of the oceans. Reverence for a higher power; what one wants forever to be remembered for one’s legacy; urge for law and order that is more perfect than humanity’s version. 


Source: Zane B. Stein

Astro Gold is a world leader in mobile device Astrology software!