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Astro Gold MacOS 6 User Guide

Navigation: Preferences

Displayed Points

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Displayed (chart points) is where the chart points can be selected for showing in charts and reports. Continuously clicking on each point turns it alternately off (darker) or on (lighter). The Lilith available is the Black Moon Lilith (see Calculation Methods).


Preferences - Displayed Points

Preferences - Displayed Points


Main Points

You can view the glyphs for the main points available for selection directly in the Preferences window. If you hover the mouse over each glyph its name will pop up.

These main points are, in order, from left to right, starting at the top row:



Vulcan (hypothetical)








Pluto (planet/dwarf planet)

Chiron (asteroid/comet)

Vesta (asteroid)

Pallas (asteroid)

Juno (asteroid)

Ceres (asteroid)

Hygeia (asteroid)

Astraea (asteroid)

Black Moon Lilith

White Moon

Sedna (asteroid)

Eris (dwarf planet)

Lunar North Node

Lunar South Node




Imum Coeli


Equatorial Ascendent


Polar Ascendent

Part of Fortune

Cupido (hypothetical)

Hades (hypothetical)

Zeus (hypothetical)

Kronus (hypothetical)

Apollon (hypothetical)

Admetos (hypothetical)

Vulcanus (hypothetical)

Poseidon (hypothetical)

TransPluto (hypothetical)

Aries Point

Libra Point








NOTE:  Hypothetical planets (except Vulcan) are also called TransNeptunian planets and are used in Uranian astrology. Additional dwarf planets and asteroids can be selected via Extra Points.



Displayed points are used in several different situations or contexts.

The main contexts are:

Default - for Natal charts (and all other charts not falling into the categories below eg. Return charts)

Transits - for Transit charts and dynamic Transits


Arc Directions

For each one of these contexts a pre-saved set of displayed points (Point Set - see below) can be specified to always be used in that context.

To choose the context click on the dropdown icon Context Menu icon to the right of the Context Title, situated above the points. When you do this a dropdown menu will be displayed with the above four options listed, with a tick next to the currently selected context.

Displayed Points default popup menu


Follow Default

When any of the specialist Contexts (i.e. Transits, Progressions, Arc Directions) is selected a checkbox labelled "Follow Default" appears to the right of the Context dropdown icon.

If this is ticked when a specialist context is selected it means that the Displayed Points for that context will be temporarily copied from those of the default Displayed Points (the first item on the list).

When it is subsequently unticked the Displayed Points for that specialist context will revert back to what they were originally for that specialist context.

Point Sets

Points currently turned on in the "Displayed" window can be saved as a "Point Set" for instant retrieval in the future. You do this by clicking on the Save As button and giving the Point Set a name that describes that set of points. If the "Save As" button is greyed out, it means the displayed points currently turned on are already saved as a set.

Once that is done the Point Set will appear in the in the list of "Point Sets" at the bottom of the dialog screen. When this list is dropped down, the full list is displayed, and you can then re-choose that (or any other Point Set) by clicking on its name in this list.

To delete any Point Set you have saved, select it in that list first (which will first change the currently selected "Displayed Points" to those of that Point Set) then click on the Delete button. This will delete the Point Set from the list, but the selection of points it contained, and now displayed on the screen, will stay exactly as it is - that is, the points that are turned on are now the the currently active "Displayed Points" for the Context selected.

You can also see in the screenshot above, that the specified Point Set to display for contexts where transits are involved, either in a chart or listing, is the Point Set called "Outers/Slow", consisting of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and the lunar Nodes.

So for each context (Default/Transits/Progressions/Arc Directions), when that context is selected, you can change what points will be displayed in that context (unless manually overridden - see below) by changing the Point Set at the bottom of the dialog box.

Astro Gold comes supplied with five Sets of pre-saved Displayed Points:



Planets & Asteroids (+Nod/Asc/MC)

Planets & Chiron (+Nod/Asc/MC)


Finally, whenever you want you can always bypass the Point Set specified for a Context, by manually turning individual points on or off (continuously clicking on them toggles them on/off), and the changes will be immediately reflected in any displayed chart or data for that context, regardless of whether you save these displayed points as a new Point Set or not.

When you do this, the Point Set textbox at the bottom will be blank (unless the points you have manually turned on happen to have been previously saved as a Set).        

Extra Points

For any of the Contexts, not only can you specify what Point Set you want to be displayed, you can also hand pick extra points to also be included as well.

The types of extra points that can be used are:


Minor bodies e.g. Centaurs, Dwarf planets and Asteroids.

The Jessica Adams Roman asteroids available


Jessica Adams Roman asteroids

Jessica Adams Roman asteroids


ALL asteroids available  (includes the Jessica Adams asteroids)


ALL Asteroids

ALL Asteroids



a)The Dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris.

b)If you have downloaded the available additional minor points, then as well you will be able to choose from an extra 71 Asteroids (Martha Lang Westcott's) and 42 Centaurs & Dwarf Planets (Zane Stein's).

Arabic lots/parts


Fixed Zodiacal points

Planetary Nodes / Apsides (planet distance from Earth or the Sun) - annotated with the planet glyph and  ☊ / ☋ or a P / A superscript.

>> To select Extra Points to be displayed

1.Click on the Add Extra Points button. The following window is displayed.


Dialog; Preferences; Displayed Points, Extra Points v5

2.In the field just under "Available Extra Points" on the top right of the window, click on the Icon; scrolling control arrows to the right of the field so its dropdown list is displayed (like in the above picture).

3.Select which type of Extra Points to display in the "Available Extra Points" list.

4.Click on an extra point you would like include for the selected Context, then click on the Add button. (Alternatively you can just double-click on the extra point and it will be added straight away).

5.To remove an extra point from the list of "Selected Extra Points" click on the extra point in that list, then click on the Delete button.

6.Finally, for each point in the list of "Selected Extra Points", if you want it also to receive aspects, click the checkbox to its right in the column titled Asp until there is a tick in it. If you don't want it to receive aspects click in the checkbox until there is no tick in it.

7.When you are finished with this window, press the ESC key on the keyboard. This will return you to the Preferences window.

8.You will now need to save this Point Set (which now includes the Extra Points you have selected). Click on the Save As button, enter a name for the Point Set, then click on the OK button.

Some of the minor bodies are known as Dwarf Planets.

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